Flash offer: 15% off Voga closet

What fees & commissions does Reflect charge?

ServiceTypeFee(s) in JOD
Reflect AccountOpen an accountFree
Debit CardCard IssuanceFree
Debit CardCard Re-issuance (replacement for damaged/lost)2
ATMArab Bank ATM Withdrawal Free
ATMNon Arab Bank ATM Withdrawal 1
ATMArab Bank ATM Balance Inquiry Free
ATMNon Arab Bank ATM Balance Inquiry 0.1
ATMCardless ATM WithdrawalFree
Pay LaterLimit Issuance1% (3 JOD Max.)
Pay LaterLate Payment5 JOD for each payment
+ 0.04 daily for the amount due
Credit CardCard IssuanceFree
Credit CardCard Re-issuance (replacement for damaged/lost)Free
Credit CardATM Withdrawal using Credit Card4%
Credit CardInterest Rate1.75%
Multicurrency AccountOpen sub-accountFree
Multicurrency AccountCard TransactionsFree
Multicurrency AccountJOD to EUR0.75%
Multicurrency AccountJOD to AED0.75%
Multicurrency AccountJOD to USD0.50%
Multicurrency AccountJOD to GBP0.50%
Multicurrency AccountJOD to SAR0.50%
PaymentsLocal POS transaction (in JOD)Free
PaymentsPOS transactions in government sector institutions, except the military and civilian consumer institutions1.95% using cards issued by an institution outside Jordan
0.80% using cards issued by a Jordanian institution
PaymentsPOS transactions at petroleum sector institutions0.2
PaymentsPOS transaction using a currency other than JOD3%
Top UpTop up using Arab Bank cardsFree
Top UpTop up using other local banks cards1%
Top UpTop up using other international banks cards2.50%
CliQ CliQ Transfers Free